Music list

This music list contains the codes of the music which gets played in combination with the music name code. To use it, just choose the respective icons shown.

Note that the music will always restart when entering or leaving a building, and it keeps playing when saving and quiting the game. The only way to disable the music is by resetting. This can be done at any point in the game, even in the title screen. It is advised to reset during the title screen, to avoid Mr. Resetti! May you decide to reset during gameplay, then we will not be held responsible for any annoyances.

Do note that if you already have entered a music code, it is unlikely you would get another music code working without resetting.

Most naming is based on Galbadia Hotel's naming, and can be debatable.

Symbols Music number (dec) Music number (hex) Description
00x0000No music
2560x0100Train arrival
2570x0101Train arrival
2580x0102Train arrival
2590x0103Train arrival
2600x0104Train arrival
2610x0105Train arrival
2620x0106Train arrival
2630x0107Train arrival
2640x0108Train arrival
2720x0110Train arrival
3840x0180Train arrival
5120x0200You need a place to stay...
5130x0201You need a place to stay...
7680x0300It's settled then!
10240x0400It's settled then!
12800x0500Mr. Resetti
17920x0700Mr. Resetti